Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Bionicle Generation X

Bionicle Generation X is something I have developed as an expanded universe for Bionicle.  It was originally a sequel series, but grew bigger.  I use it as a platform for my MOCs to exist on. My official description is as follows:

     Bionicle Generation X is a continuation of the original storyline, as released in the series.  It focuses on the original Bionicles and the Great Beings.  It creates a pre-history which ultimately leads into the story of Bionicle: Generation 1.  It also brings the great beings back into the spotlight after the mission of the Mata Nui robot is finished.  The Bionicles had found a great being at the end of the original story.  This great being and a new war is used as the starting point for the return of them all of them.  A twist is also involved, as there is now a force greater than the Makuta.  Empires have also arisen for the first time.  The fall of Toa, and their new empires (an idea stemming from an original alternate universe), are a big factor in the story.

            Additionally, the end of Bionicle: Generation 1 has been reworked as to be closer to that originally intended, with dinosaur like rahi and the element lords as the villains.

Check out other posts under the Generation X tag for more details.

Above: Generation X MAU Teridax next to the original Teridax

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